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For Students (Internal Only) MENU BACK Top News Features About Admissions International Affairs Search for Laboratory Response to COVID-19 Info for Int’l students (Internal Only) Map & Directions Contacts Links For Students(Internal Only) Sitemap About This Site News Features About Admissions International Affairs Search for Laboratory Faculty A to Z Laboratory A to Z Research Areas Top Features Taiwan-Japan exchange program and University-High School CollaborationHigh-school version of Sakura Science Program2019@ Tohoku University Interview Interview 2019 2018 2016 2015 Research Highlights 2019.10.29 Interview Taiwan-Japan exchange program and University-High School CollaborationHigh-school version of Sakura Science Program2019@ Tohoku University Department of Systems Neuroscience Prof. MUSHIAKE, Hajime Japan-Asia Youth Science Exchange Program in Science, “SAKURA Science Program ” in short, was launched by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) from since April 2014. The mission of this program was to facilitate short-term visits of competent Asian young people to Japan and to increase the interest of Asian students and young researchers in studying science and technology at leading Japanese universities. Since this program was announced by the JST, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine (TUGM) joined the SAKURA science program in collaboration with Tohoku Tabunka Academy Foundation (TTA), an incorporated foundation that supports short-term study in Japan from abroad. Our programs were accepted five times and more than 80 young scientists. In this report, we introduce a new exchange program for high school students to learn science and technology at Tohoku University. Planning High-school version of Sakura Science Super Science High School, “SSH”, in short is another program through which JST promote education for science and technology in high school levels. Schools with SSH status receive increased funding and are encouraged to develop links with universities and other academic institutions. High schools with SSH prioritize science, technology, and mathematics. Miyagi Prefecture Sendai-Daiichi High School (Sendai-1 High school) has been designated as the second term of SSH term since 2017 and Tohoku university Graduate schools and related institutes (including Research Institute of Electrical Communication(RIEC), International Research Institute of Disaster Science(IRIDeS),  Medical Megabank organization(ToMMo) ) collaborate with Sendai-1 High school. In this second term of SSH, Sendai-1 High School has planned international exchange with Taiwan High schools in terms of science and technology education. To coordinate international exchange programs, Sendai-1 High School collaborates with TTA to implement their program. Actually, at the last year of 1st term of SSH, Taiwan High schools visit Tohoku university and also Sendai-1 High School. Students from both Taiwanese and Japanese high schools had good opportunities to share their scientific researches in poster sessions and scientific workshops with faculties from Tohoku University. At High-school version of Sakura Science Program 2019, we invite thirteen students from National Nantou Senior High  school and Taipei Municipal Datong High school with two supervising teachers to Tohoku university and Sendai-1 High School. In this program, intercultural communication among Taiwanese and Japanese high school students will be cultivated and University-High School Collaboration will be also enhanced in terms of education of science and technology. Actually, Sendai-1 High School is planning their students to Taiwan universities and high schools with their scientific researches. This is literally a two-direction (exchange) program. Welcome to Tohoku University and Autumn-colored Sendai city From 20th to 26th October, Taiwan high school students visit Japan. During this short-term stay, They visited RIEC and learn Optical technology and learn perceptual psychology at IRIDeS. They visited disaster areas damaged by Tsunami 2011 with guidance of instructors of IRIDeS. At Medical school、Dr. Saito Mariko, as a staff of International Exchange Office of Graduate School of Medicine, made arrangement for the short-term stay of Taiwan high school students. Dr. Yaegashi nobuo, Dean of Graduate school of medicine, welcomed Taiwan high school students with messages. They had opportunities to experience medical skill training at Comprehensive Education Center for Community Medicine at Tohoku University, graduate school of medicine. They visit ToMMo and learn how they try to rebuild the community medical system with innovative new biobank technology. They also learn “brain and rhythm” as an introductory neuroscience. At Sendai-1 High School, Taiwan high school students joined poster presentation session in SSH programs and present their scientific researches. In this poster session, faculties from Tohoku University participated and had discussions with them. There was also a workshop of physics.  Taiwanese and Japanese students work together to solve scientific tasks. Furthermore, individual students of Taiwanese students stayed at host families of Sendai-1 High School student. In this way, multicultural understandings are cultivated in terms of science and humanities in Taiwan and Japanese high schools. multicultural relationships between high school and university Through these international exchange programs, we hope that multicultural and interdisciplinary mindset grows in participants.  I am very glad that some of participants are interested in global leadership programs offered by Tohoku University. Finally, we are grateful to JST, TTA, faculties of Tohoku university, and faculties and families of high schools for their dedicated supports. (2019.10.29) Search for Laboratory Faculty A to Z Laboratory A to Z Research Areas 2-1 Seiryo-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi, 980-8575, Japan Map&Direction Contacts Link Sitemap About This Site Tohoku University Tohoku University Hospital ©2022 Tohoku University School of Medicine

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